Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

The Cottage Pros LLC

Here's what customers are saying about The Cottage Pros LLC!

"I have hired them for multiple projects and they have given me excellent work and excellent service each time."

- Ben A. | Crystal Lake

"The Cottage Pros have done anything and everything in regards to home improvements for me. Large renovations to small repairs. They always do an excellent job."

- Brad F. | Crystal Lake

"They are the first people we call when we have something to be done."

- Barb B. | Long Lake

"They are great and fairly priced."

- Dan O. | Platte Lake

"They are so polite and kind. You would swear you are the only one they are dealing with."

- Janie D. | Platte Lake

"True Professionals...I like your trucks."

- Janie D. | Platte Lake

"Everything looks great! Very happy with how you matched the existing look."

- Mary Jo. | Elberta

"The attention to detail is exactly what we were hoping for."

- Marc I. | Lake Michigan

"Shout out to the Cottage Pros...they let us use their new plow truck when we were in a bind and did not ask for a dollar."

- Competitor | Honor

"Thank you for doing this project on such short notice."

- Dan H. | Crystal Lake

"We're VERY HAPPY customers! The place looks great- you've eased our mind and our burdens."

- Maura M. | Platte Lake

"Thank you for such wonderful service!"

- Gail H. | Platte Lake

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